Our main motto at Commission Church is: “Love Jesus, Learn Jesus, Live Jesus.” This is a simple statement that keeps our vision and purpose in full view as we live out our daily lives.
To live Jesus describes our daily lives in Christ—what the Bible calls “walking in newness of life” (Romans 6:4). Being a Christian is not simply something you “do,” but it’s something that you “are.” The church isn’t a building, it’s the people of God—what the Bible refers to as “God’s household” (Ephesians 2:19-20).
In John 15:5 Jesus said, “I am the vine, you are the branches; the one who remains in Me, and I in him bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.” How can we tell one kind of tree from another kind? By its fruit. And it’s the same with God’s disciples—if we are truly in Christ, then our lives will bear out the fruits (traits, characteristics) of the Holy Spirit.
“Living Jesus” is also referring to evangelism. So many people in our communities are lost and living under the shadow of death every day. The church is God’s plan-A for introducing people to the only true hope any of us have—Jesus Christ. But do our people know how to build purposeful relationships with the lost?
It’s always a work in progress, but the simplest steps are the ones most often overlooked. We’ve made it a routine for people in the body to do things such as: invite a neighbor over for dinner; have an outdoor cookout for all of the neighbors on your street; conduct prayer walks, where you simply take a walk around your neighborhood or somewhere in the community and pray for the people in the houses/buildings you walk past.
The bottom line is that if someone has the Spirit of Christ in them, then He will truly make a difference in that person’s life. The believer will desire to live for the Lord and they will desire to introduce other people to the Lord, too. Faith in Christ is alive, active and powerful!